Monday, May 27, 2013

Everyday Details

I recently noticed an astounding photograph.  It was a picture called, "Last One Standing," and it was an image of a lone dandelion seed left on the head of the flower.  I commented to the artist how much I loved finding those ordinary details most people never notice and turning them into masterpieces.  My challenge to myself has become finding the masterpiece in the ordinary, everyday, overlooked details of life.


Sunday, May 26, 2013

Never Done!

 When I was first beginning my photographic journey with flowers, I read someone's tweet that said, "I am about done taking pictures of flowers.  Boring!"  I wondered if that would be me.  Would I tire of capturing the close-up details of the flowers I saw around me?  After five years, I still can't even imagine becoming bored with taking pictures of flowers.  Each one is so unique and beautiful, so perfectly created, and so delicately precious.  How could I ever tire of finding and capturing just one more beautiful shot?